Storytelling techniques like these nine can help you communicate better when you have a story to tell. If you are just starting out, choose one or two of these storytelling tips that you will pay extra attention to in your next presentation.
Here’s a hands-on guide to help you craft that next story that resonates and drives meaningful action in how to tell a story.
Let’s have a heart-to-heart about rejection. You know that little voice in your mind that whispers, “I can’t do this!”? Well, let’s kick that voice to the curb right now.
One of the questions I am asked frequently is, “How did you get started in Storytelling?” Although it’s hard to say for sure, I can tell you the day I think I began my storytelling journey. It all came down to desperation. I was working some decades years ago in a school with a group […]
Reading with your children is a simple yet invaluable parenting activity. It fosters intellectual growth, strengthens bonds, and lays the foundation for future literacy and vocabulary development.